Autum Safety Information

As the summer season draws to a close and the nights begin to draw in here are a few pointers to safer winter riding, whether solo or on a club group ride.

The committee strongly advises everyone to reread the risk assessment and the winter riding etiquette documents, which you agree to follow when joining the club. These can be found on the club website.

We intend to support safe group riding by providing links to videos which we feel are relevant to all of our members as guidance to preparing yourself and your bike in order to increase safety for all during the winter season.

We understand you may be fully aware of the information provided in these videos but feel a reminder can only make our group rides as safe as possible.

A reminder making sure you are fully insured is strongly advised

and that as a minimum 3rd party insurance is available through British Cycling Membership which is strongly recommended.

  • Know your route
  • Anticipate movements
  • Think about road positioning
  • Be aware and anticipate
  • Communicate with the group