Croston Velo Twitter Site
The Croston Velo twitter feed is a great way to keep up to date with news relating to Croston Velo. We will look to post club rides, routes and any interesting news from the cycling world. Please update us with what you are up to when you are out and about @crostonvelo
Croston Velo Facebook Site
The Croston Velo facebook page will be used to post news relating to Croston Velo, it also allows members to post details of what they are up to.
Strava is a mobile app and website that allows members to track their cycling activity and view that of others. Croston Velo also has a Strava club where you can see what our members have been up to and see who is leading the way with weekly leaderboards. To join our strava club please visit
Love Strava but hunger for even more, link your strava account to veloviewer for 3D ride profiles, segments positions and more. More stats than any cyclist could ever need!
Croston Sports Club
The home of Croston Velo and venue of our post ride food and the all important recovery ales! You can find out more about Croston Sports club and there upcoming events on their website.
British Cycling
British Cycling is the national governing body for cycling in the UK and is recognised by the UCI. On there website you can keep up to date with all the latest cycling news, find out about events, races and sportive’s and find useful cycling hints and tips.
Club Time Trialling
The Club Time Trialling association is the national governing body for Time Trials in the UK. Croston Velo is affiliated to CTT allowing members to take part in any time trials. To find out information about time trialling, find time trials near you and get useful advice to improve your time trails visit the CTT website.
Marc Huntington Photography
Marc is a local photographer specialising in sports photography and produces great results of you with your most treasured possessions…. If you are interested in a shoot contact him at
Velo UK
Velo UK is a site that is usually the first to publish cycling race results in the UK. To keep up to date with what local athletes are up to visit
Road Bike Hub
A great website for all things cycling, articles from why you should take up cycling to maintenance and riding tips
Cyclosport is a great site for keeping up to date with cycling news and has a good sportives guide to help you select your next challenge.
How cyclist are you! Review the Velominati’s rules and find out?