Committee Meeting Minutes 1st July 2015

Attendees – Glen Higson, Daniel Styler, Dave Taylor, Andrew Maddran (Rolf), Bill Tinsley & Duncan Taylor

Apologies – Lindsey Styler & Paula Holt-Rogers

The following points were discussed

Finances – Daniel Styler

We now have a total of 35 paid members for 2015 and collection of club subscriptions for 2015 has been good.If you consider yourself to be a member and would like to pay club subscriptions for 2015 please contact the treasurer Paula Holt-Rogers or Glen Higson/Daniel Styler.

We have a further 15 people that have been added to the club database as they have come out with us on a few occasions that are not paid. Of which only 4 of these I would consider to ride with us on a regular basis


  • How to utilise club funds

We discussed at length a number of options relating to the club funds. We are proposing the following suggestions and would like to move forward with these. If anyone would like to raise any objections please contact one of the committee to discuss in more detail prior to Wednesday 15th July.


  • We are looking into a number of items of club merchandise to help promote the club and to provide to members, details to be confirmed once prices investigated – approx. £250
  • Following a discussion we have identified that the food provided by the club on Thursdays is not covered by the contribution of £1 made by members, rather than put up the price we are proposing subsidising this by £50 to the sports club and giving Les a thank you gift to the value of £50 for all his hard work. Les Goulding has been excellent in providing us excellent meals after club rides – Total £100
  • We considered advertising options and decided we would quite like a banner to go outside the club so anyone who rides past locally can see us and it feels more permanent than posters which will be removed and binned – Cost to be confirmed
  • Summer BBQ – We are proposing to run a summer social event including a BBQ at the Sports Club with a provisional date of Friday 21st August (To be confirmed) – Approx. £250.00
  • Donation to ‘On your bike Harry’ charitable fund. There is a young boy in Croston who has Hyper mobility and ASD who’s parents are looking to raise money to build him a custom bike so he to can enjoy cycling too. This is being supported by a family fun day being arranged by the Sports club on the 19th July. As a club we feel this is something we should support and are proposing to make a donation of £25 direct from the club but other members are willing to donate themselves, for more detail and to donate you can visit


  • Bill/Glen – to investigate merchandise options/prices and report back to the committee via e-mail to make a decision
  • Andrew Maddran – to liaise with club around date for BBQ and support arrangements
  • Bill – Investigate prices for the banner and size options and report back to the club by e-mail
  • Paula – Provide 2 cheques and provide to Glen/Dave
  • Sunday Rides

Tuesday and Thursday evening now have strong turnouts, and where Sunday has been successful numbers can be a bit hit and miss. Following discussions with a number of members on this it seems the reasons people do not attend are very varied but it has become apparent that we need to cater for the different rider abilities and a ‘mixed-ability’ ride does appear to put some people off as they do not know what to expect and whether it will be suitable for their individual requirements.Therefore we have decided to have 2 groups on a Sunday with a more defined ride structure. Please note this will not change until Sunday 19th July to allow us to communicate the new structure (until then we will stick with the mixed ability ride at 9:00)From Sunday 19th July Sunday rides will be as follows


  • 9:00 – Intermediate/advanced, average speed 17-19mph on flat ride or 15-16mph on a hillier ride. This ride will now be a longer and often more hillier ride to allow for a good weekend training run. Approx. 50 miles +
  • 10:00 – Social club ride, for those that wish to get out and simply enjoy their cycling. No drop policy, approx. 20-30 miles at a steady pace to suit the slowest member of the group and will involve a coffee stop at some point during the ride.


Dan – Update website and issue communications via various media channels

Advertising in local press (e.g. village courier)

Dave Taylor investigated costs and availability, however the next add we could get in would be September which given it is coming towards the end of the season did not seem viable

Longer Club Rides

We agreed we need to schedule some longer club rides so we can get out as a group for a full day spin. Committee was happy for Dan to schedule these and publish online. These are likely to take place on a Saturday.

ACTION –Dan – Design routes and publish dates on website and various media channels

Road Safety presentation

Andrew Maddran showed us a very informative presentation which is designed for drivers to raise awareness of cyclists but has some excellent advise in their about the law and road positioning and we feel it would add good value at a full team meeting.

ACTION –Andrew Maddran – Present road safety presentation at next full club meeting

Group Riding etiquette

As the groups have grown and new members have come over from other groups the communication between riders has been up and down from warning about car to pointing out potholes. We feel it will be beneficial to standardise our communication methods and this will be included in the next full club meeting. For now members are asked if they are unsure to review the group riding etiquette on our website at –Dan – To present at next club meeting

Full Club meeting We intend to hold the next full club meeting either late July of early August, final date to be confirmed shortly.