Summer routes 2021
Firstly a massive thank you to Tim Bryning who has taken the time to revise/make all the new summer routes for 2021.
As ever we have 10 core routes for the evening rides (Tuesday and Thursday). You can download all of these to your garmin at the start of the season to save doing it every week. Before each ride we will confirm which route it is for this week via WhatsApp and our other social media channels.
This year our route directory is much improved. On the website below you will find the route title, a route summary and a link to the Strava gpx/tcx file to download. This year though there is also a screenshot of the map and elevation profile to help you better understand the route.
Full route directory for 2021 is now available to view / download at . If as many people download as possible then it helps ensure the ride navigation is easier, safer and more free flowing.
Happy riding all